and I want to help you reclaim sleep and thrive in parenthood!

Hi, I'm Lexi

My Story

Since childhood, I've always been reliant on sleep to function properly. For me, sleep deprivation isn't just about feeling tired; it weakens my immune system, leaving me prone to getting sick.

After grappling with PCOS and fertility treatments, my husband and I joyfully welcomed our first daughter in 2020. Within two years, we found ourselves parents to three girls, all under two, while my husband navigated a demanding military career, often away for long stretches and gearing up for a five-month deployment.

With three young daughters, a full-time job in real estate, and many nights solo parenting, I understood that my well-being hinged on getting enough rest.

After successfully getting our first daughter to sleep through the night at six months, I assumed the same methods would work for our second. However, despite my efforts, she struggled with napping. Through research and trial and error, I eventually helped her establish healthy sleep habits.

But with the arrival of our third daughter and my husband deployed, I found myself overwhelmed. Barely sleeping, my physical health suffered, and my mental well-being deteriorated. At four months, a friend suggested hiring a pediatric sleep consultant, which proved to be a game-changer. Within days, our youngest was sleeping soundly through the night, easing the burden on me significantly.

Hiring the sleep consultant was a lifeline, relieving me of the constant search for advice and providing much-needed support. With all three children sleeping peacefully, I began working on a certification to become a Pediatric Sleep Consultant myself.

I couldn't keep this invaluable knowledge to myself. I want other mothers to reclaim their nights, indulge in self-care, reconnect with their partners, savor their morning coffee, and above all, reclaim their sleep.

I get it.

Raising a child can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to!

We all need a village.

Let me be apart of yours!

Education & Experience

Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management

East Carolina University

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Graduated from The Cradle Coach Academy AND My Sweet Sleep Academy

Newborn Care Specialist -

Certified through The Cradle Coach Academy

Member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants

Events Coordinator & Member Of

The Birth Network of Monterey County

Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula

Pro Doula

Member of the Sleep Sorority

Business Development for Sleep Consultants